Looking for that ideal Christmas Present?
The RSHG book “Ryde’s Heritage, Our Town, Your Histories”, on the history of Ryde is still available and would make an excellent Christmas present for anyone interested in the history of Ryde. It can be purchased from Ryde Book Shop in the High Street, the IW County Press Shop at Newport and from the Tourist Information Centres.
You can also purchase the book direct by contacting us via this website. The book is 152 pages in full colour with a fold out map of the cemetery, the chapters are:
The History of Ryde Cemetery
Ryde Beginnings and growth to 1836 (by Roy Brinton)
The Churches of Ryde
Education in Ryde
Brewers of Ryde
Transport in Ryde
Maritime History
Natural History in Ryde Cemetery
The price is £12 plus £1 p&p. If you live in Ryde, IW, we can probably arrange for you to collect the book or possibly we could deliver it to you for free.
Here are some of the reviews:
“…I particularly enjoyed the chapter on Maritime History. We are impressed with the high quality of the printing and the wonderful pictures included.” Hannah Vernon HLF
“…It is an excellent publication which you and your group can feel truly proud of.” Ian Simpson, National Federation of Cemetery Friends.
“…I particularly like the breadth of the ground that the book covers, the fact that it is written in such a readable style, and mixes recording the current condition and natural history of the cemetery with the history of the town and its residents.” Richard Smout, Isle of Wight Heritage Service Manager