New Year 1834
The Tradesmen’s Annual Dinner, took place on the 21st ult at Yelf’s Hotel, Mr Robert Yelf, jun, presided, and Mr George Cooper, Vice-President. Nearly thirty tradesmen were present, who were highly gratified by the dinner, which was served up in the usual style of the worthy host. Many appropriate toasts were introduced, and several admirable songs contributed much to the conviviality of the evening. Amidst the enjoyment of the festive board, the claims of humanity were not forgotten; a liberal subscription was made for the widow and family of John Southcott, who was unfortunately drowned on the 19th ult – nor were the claims on the sympathy of the meeting of Mr Cohen, the Proprietor of the Brighton Guardian, overlooked; a large sum towards the payment of the fine imposed on that gentleman having been collected; thus evincing a solid manner, the high estimation in which “The Liberty of the Press” is held by the inhabitants of the town.
Several friends of the Campanologists of the town, assembled at the long room at Stratton’s Hotel Tap, and with a merry peal ushered in the new year.
A subscription has been opened for the relief of John Southcott’s widow and four infant children, who are left in a destitute condition by the unfortunate accident above alluded to, when the wherry Albion, of this town, was upset by a sudden squall.
Arrivals at Sheridan’s Family Hotel: Capt Bell, Taylor Ponsonby, Esq., Wm Hodgson, Esq., Capt Hall, J S Lang, Esq., J Adam, Esq., Charles Young, Esq., W Harris, Esq., D Macdonell, Esq., &c.
BIRTH – On Tuesday, at Newlands, the Lady of Lieut Jas Geo Mackenzie, of HMS Caledonia, of a son.
Source: Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle Monday 3 January 1834