Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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New Burial Ground for Ryde

George Player
George Player

170 years before the successful completion of the Ryde Cemetery Restoration Project Newchurch Vestry met on Tuesday 1 September 1840 to discuss the proposed new burial ground.

The Rev W Spencer Phillips, Vicar of Newchurch stated that although on ordinary circumstances of this sort the proceeding was generally to raise a rate on this occasion this might not be the most desirable method of proceeding. Sufficient funds had to be found for enclosing the new burial ground with a stone wall. The meeting agreed that the matter was a local one and so no general rate should be proposed. The the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

That, in the opinion of this meeting it is most desirable that the poor of the town of Ryde and its neighbourhood should be spared the expensive and distressing necessity of conveying their dead, during all weathers, over a distance of nearly six miles to the place of their interment at Newchurch, and it being most important, both for their sakes as well as for the great and obvious accommodation of the other inhabitants, that there should be a burial place in the immediate vicinity of the town, the liberal offer by George Player, Esq., of an acre of ground for this purpose be thankfully accepted; and that a Committee be appointed to collect subscriptions for enclosing the ground, and for otherwise carrying the measure into effect.