October 1860
Isle of Wight Observer
Oct 6th 1860: MR. FOWLES CONCERT – This concert took place at the Victoria Rooms on Thursday evening and was very well attended. As it is the first given by our young and talented townsman it may be said to be one of decided success, although one of the violinists announced in the programme, from some reason or other, was absent.
Oct 6th 1860: RIFLEDOM – The 44 recruits to the Ryde Volunteer Rifles attended drill three times this week, the Sergeant-Major declaring they take to their exercise as natural as ducks to water and soon will be as efficient as members of the 1st and 3rd Ryde Company’s if they attend every drill.
Oct 6th 1860: A REARING DINNER – What is called a “rearing” supper, was given at the Turks Head Inn, Arthur LEGGE, proprietor, on Friday evening, the 28th ult., by Dr. Mark BROWN to the workmen of Mr. JOLLIFFE, builder, who have been employed in altering and extending the residence of that gentleman. The repast was the renowned “Old English” roast beef and plum pudding, and near upon 50 sat down to partake of it, nor did they rise without expressing their satisfaction with the quality and excellent manner in which it was laid upon the table. Mr. JOLLIFFE presided and after the cloth was removed, song and toast went merrily round until 1 o’clock.
Oct 6th 1860: VOLUNTEERS – The following circular has been forwarded to the different officers in command of the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rifles. “The Lieut-Colonel commanding having it intimated to him that a general review of the Hampshire Volunteers will take place at Winchester about the second week in October, is desirous that the Battalion of the I of W Volunteers should take part in it, provided the different company’s could attend in sufficient strength, this being the only opportunity this year in which they will have of being brigaded with other troops.
Oct 20th 1860: OLD PIER HEAD – The balustrading of the new head to this Pier was completed last week, by the eminent iron founders Messrs. MEW and THORNE, it is a most substantial and ornamental piece of work and a great improvement upon the old wooden railings.
Oct 20th 1860: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Mr. and Mrs. DOWNES arrived at Vale Lodge, Melville-street; A ball was given at the Masonic Hall on Wednesday evening to celebrate the marriage of Miss HELLYER daughter of P. T. HELLYER of Ryde, and Mr. MORGAN, tailor, Union-street.
Oct 20th 1860: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – A report was read from the Water Committee in reference to supplying the Steam Packet Company with water, but the question was referred by consent to the next general meeting.
Oct 20th 1860: AMATEUR THEATRICALS – The Committee of the Amateur Theatricals held last week for the benefit of the Isle of Wight Infirmary present their compliments to the Treasurer, and beg to say that they have paid into the National and Provincial Bank £20 to the credit of the Infirmary, that being the amount of money received after deducting expenses.