To celebrate the NatWest Island Games XIV taking place on the Isle of Wight from 25 June to 1 July we will have having an exhibition called Ryde Sporting Life in Ryde Library from 18 June to 16 July.
Ryde Arts Festival also takes place between 24 June to 2 July and this is RSHG’s sixth year of involvement with the RAF. The theme of this year’s festival is Stars and the festival opens with a concert of classical music specially written for the event with the theme of HMS Sirius and the first fleet at St Thomas Heritage Centre in Ryde.
Sirius, the Dog Star, is the name of the lead star of the constellation Canis Major. RSHG will have an exhibition on HMS Sirius, the first fleet and emigration to Australia at St Thomas Heritage Centre. The centre will be open when there are events taking place there (look out for the brochure of events which will soon be available throughout the town). There will also be an exhibition on the Town Hall and Mayors of Ryde. RSHG will be holding an Open Day at St Thomas Heritage Centre on Sunday 26 June from 10am to 4pm.
Bereavement Services Open Day in Ryde Cemetery Saturday 2 July 10:30am to 4:30pm. There will be exhibitions, guided walks and talks, activities for children and adults and much more.