Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Ann Barrett
Ann Barrett

In August our Research Team, led by Ann Barrett, added biographical detail to 49 records on the website. Archives of local newspapers, census, directories and probate have been searched and you will find detail on:

* The death of Major-General William Sullivan in 1870. He had served as Assistand Adjutant-General to the Light division and was present at the Battles of alma, Balaklave, Inkerman and the siege of Sebastapol.

* The death of the Rev John Shearme in 1925. He was the vicar of Ryde for 13 years from 1892 to 1905.

* The death of Mr Wallace Henry Carley, a photographer, in 1925. He had been secretary of the Ryde Royal Regatta for many years and was a prominent member of the Buffaloes.

* Property Sale by the Trustees of the late Daniel Barnes of three cottages at Binstead in 1911.

For the full list of additions please click on the link below.

If you are able to help with this fascinating aspect of our work and could spend even a short time at the Record Office, please contact Ann Barrett, the leader of our Research Team. You can contact Ann by clicking on the Contact Us button at the top of the page.