In September our Research Team, led by Ann Barrett, added biographical detail to 31 records on the website. Archives of local newspapers, census, directories and probate have been searched and you will find detail on:
* Extracts from Who’s Who
* Adverts for various guest houses
* Report of the death of Major James Flux in January 1896, he was Assistant Overseer for the parishes of Ryde and Ashey and Clerk to the Ryde School Board. He was an ardent Volunteer and held the honorary rank of major.
* Report of the death of Crighton Merrill in June 1963, he was a well known Solicitor and Councillor in Ryde.
* Report of the death of Dan Reeves in 1952, he was lifeboatman and has survived the Selina lifeboat disaster in 1907.
For the full list of additions please click on the link below.
If you are able to help with this fascinating aspect of our work and could spend even a short time at the Record Office, please contact Ann Barrett, the leader of our Research Team. You can contact Ann by clicking on the Contact Us button at the top of the page.