Isle of Wight Observer
Jan 4th 1862: WATERWORKS – Ryde has been once more unfortunate in its water scheme. At Bloodstone it met neither opposition nor extortion from landowners, but at Knighton it has met with both. We are not going to apportion the amount of praise or blame respectively belonging to the lawyers who conducted the schemes, though there would be little difficulty in doing so.
Jan 4th 1862: EXHIBITION OF CHRISTMAS TREES – This bazaar was very well attended, and a brisk business done in fancy goods and articles exhibited. The proceeds of the bazaar were for the St. John’s Sunday School fund.
Jan 4th 1862: RYDE PIER – The Ryde Pier Company is marching with the times, having erected during the past year a commodious suite of waiting rooms on the pier-head, and commenced new offices and a quay at the shore end. A tramway for carriages and luggage is to be forthwith erected.
Jan 4th 1862: RINGING OLD AND NEW – The time-honoured custom of ringing the old year out and the new one in, was kept up at St. Marie’s Church on the night of the 31st ult. The bells pealed out a merry chime from quarter to 12 until quarter past.
Jan 4th 1862: SENT OUT OF ISLAND – Last week the case of one John George NORBY, who was taken into custody for uttering a coin not of the British realm, at Mr. James KENDAL’s Pier Hotel Tap. He was remanded from Ryde to Newport where he was discharged, as Mr. KENDAL declined to prosecute, as also did the Mint, the coin not being an imitation or counterfeit of a British one.
Jan 4th 1862: TOWN LIGHTS – Complaints are continually reaching us respecting the inferior quality of the gas supplied to consumers by the Ryde Gas and Coke Company. We find the town in such a disgraceful state of darkness at night owing to the badness of the gas that is burnt in the street lamps, and an insufficient supply.
Jan 4th 1862: THE SEASON – The fashionable season last year was scarcely an average one, notwithstanding that the weather during the Autumn was unusually beautiful. The want of internal Railway communication is our greatest drawback.
Jan 4th 1862: THEATRICALS – We understand that the members of the 1st and 3rd (Ryde) Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers intend giving an amateur theatrical performance in aid of the corps. We believe that Mr. TAYLOR, who has won some well-merited distinction as a comedian, will perform.
Jan 4th 1862: HAYLANDS SUNDAY SCHOOL – The anniversary tea festival, in connection with this school, was held on Wednesday last. After teacups and fragments were cleared away, the Rev. G. A. COLTART took the chair and some addresses were delivered by the Sunday School teachers, and some very good pieces sung by the children.
Jan 25th 1862: FLOATING BATHS – The deputation of ratepayers are going to develop the natural resources of Ryde again. Proposed baths are intended to be connected with the pier by pontoon bridges, and certainly will be most admirable places for ladies to bathe in if constructed. The cost of the two baths –one for males –the other for females –is estimated at £4,000.
Note: Happy New Year card from Vintage Images, please see link below.