Isle of Wight Observer:-
May 3rd 1862: RUSSIAN SAILORS – About 200 Russian sailors came on shore on Sunday afternoon, and several during the week. They paid most of the publicans a visit, their favorite potion being rum. Cooked meats, sausages, and smoked fish they looked upon as rare delicacies; indeed, the only thing they think about, when they are on shore, is administrating to their stomachs. They appear to be very insufficiently, or very ill fed. Black bread and very little salt meat, with plenty of water, form their diet.
May 3rd 1862: TENDER FOR COALS – At a meeting of the Commissioners, held on Friday evening, the 25th April, the tender of Mr. BARTLETT, for supplying coals at 12s.5d. per ton delivered, was accepted.
May 3rd 1862: IMPERIAL VISIT – A rumour is current in fashionable circles that the Grand Duke and Duchess Constantine will visit Ryde again this summer. Rumour also says that they have taken a mansion in Spencer-road, distinguished by the works of art it displays.
May 3rd 1862: FIRE – On Thursday morning last fire broke out in one of the bedrooms of the house of the Hon. Mr. STOURTON in Belvedere-street. The Ryde firemen, under Mr. Superintendent STANNARD, were promptly in attendance with a hose and soon extinguished the fire before much damage was done.
May 10th 1862: HOUSE BREAKING – Some person or persons broke into the house of Mr. Joseph BROWN, chemist, Union-street, early on Friday morning, and abstracted therefrom about £6, 150 farthings and a gold ring; £21 and some plate in a cupboard remained untouched. Mr. BROWN’s shutters being down on Thursday night on account of some paintwork going on acted as a temptation to the deed.
May 17th 1862: PIER WORKS – The ceremony of driving the first pile of the tramway across Ryde sands took place on Tuesday last. The lady of Capt. Butler FELLOWES gave the first blow to the pile, amid the good wishes of the spectators. The workmen on the works were afterwards regaled with ale.
May 24th 1862: RATHER DANGEROUS – The sea-wall route in Springvale is at length become so dangerous that a person must be possessed of a venturesome disposition to make use of it. At Puckpool, for several yards, the wall has sunk away completely rendering the passage most hazardous, especially to ladies. Now Puckpool is the property of Government, it is, of course, useless to talk about putting the wall in a state to walk upon.
May 24th 1862: TAKING TO THE WATER – A crowd of men and boys, women and girls, were delighted by witnessing the vagaries of some intemperate individual, who chose Apley for the scene of his frolics. A humane stranger passing, considerately jumped into the sea with the intention of rescuing the individual who was showing the signs of drowning, and was much surprised to find that a young bacchanal was only in danger of growing sober.
May 26th 1862: BATHING – This ablutionary occupation has not been very generally indulged in yet on the Ryde sands. Several small boys have, however, during the past fortnight taken the initiative; and doubtless, ere long the “wooden huts on wheels” will be called into use.
Note: Image Boys on a Beach by Eugene Frederick Jansson from Wikicommons