Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Ann & Jenny
Ann & Jenny

In June our Research Team, led by Ann Barrett, added biographical detail to 34 records on the website.
Various archives have been searched and you will find:

* Report of the death of Mr Leo Brind in December 1926, Mr Brind was the last superintendent of the Ryde Post Office where he served for 40 years, sifing from a messenger boy.

* Report of the death of Lady Brooke-Hitching in October 1932. She was an extremely well informed and well travelled lady and had remarkable business forsight.

* Obituary for Mr John Butcher who died in April 1933. He had worked for Messrs. John Dimmick, the nurserymen, for 63 years.

* Report of the death of Mrs Alice Mears in June 1934, she was a former Mayoress of Ryde.

* Report of the death of Miss Elizabeth Watson in May 1928, she was headmistress of St John’s Road Infant School for 35 years.

For the full list of additions please click on the link below.

If you are able to help with this fascinating aspect of our work and could spend even a short time at the Record Office, please contact Ann Barrett, the leader of our Research Team. You can contact Ann by clicking on the Contact button at the top of the page.