Isle of Wight Observer
July 5th 1862: NATIVE TALENT – Our talented young townsman, Mr. Godwin FOWLES. had the distinguished honour of being selected to perform on the grand organ in the International Exhibition on Thursday last. This grand organ has 50 stops and 2,828 pipes.
July 5th 1862: WIZARDCRAFT – Herr DOBLER performed at the Victoria-rooms on Tuesday and Wednesday, the attendance was good. His tricks were elegant and clean, and gave great satisfaction.
July 12th 1862: NEW BAPTIST CHAPEL – This noble erection is progressing favourably. The walls of the main portion are nearly of sufficient altitude for the roof plates. The schoolrooms and vestries are not quite in such a forward state. The arches and bands of red and black bricks show up well.
July 19th 1862: MASONRY – The wall encircling or enclosing the reservoir at the top of John-street, being in a dilapidated condition, it was deemed advisable to rebuild the same. This is now being done in a substantial manner.
July 19th 1862: PIER TRAMWAY – The greater number of piles are now driven, with cross pieces or beams affixed to them by strong iron straps. The works are progressing rapidly and favourably, as far as can be seen from a cursory view. We hope the tramway will be out of the reach of Neptune, of which we have some grave doubt.
July 19th 1862: BAZAAR – An advertisement announces a bazaar in aid of the funds for building Swanmore Church and parsonage, which, by the kind permission of Mr. FLEMING, will take place in the romantic grounds of Binstead-cottage. Contributions of work &c. will be received by Mrs. CARTER, Mrs. Augustus LEEDS, and Mrs. DUMBLETON.
July 19th 1862: WATER – An old boat belonging to the Messrs. LANGDON, and used on the pier works for the purpose of towing the piles out to their places as fast as they were ready, sank immediately alongside the works on Thursday last, owing to a leaky bottom consequent upon old age.
July 19th 1862: PHOTOGRAPHY – Mr. HUGHES, successor to the late Mr. LACEY, of the Arcade, was honoured by a Royal visit on Tuesday. Their Royal Highnesses the Princess Helena and Louise had their portraits taken in a superior manner by him. They were attended by Major ELPHINSTONE and Lady Caroline BARRINGTON.
July 26th 1862: THE SEASON – The Princess CZERNUICHEFF has taken Newton Cottage, Pelham-field, for the season, and is expected to arrive in a day or two.
July 26th 1862: BLONDINISM – At last we have something novel—a Blondin in petticoats! Miss ABBOTT, a young lady about 14 years of age, the reputed heroine of crossing the Severn, who has, till very lately, been travelling with HOWE and CUSHING’s circus, has honoured us with a visit. She walks both on the high and low rope, and blindfold. The number of spectators was immense completely filling the Esplanade.
July 26th 1862: HOTEL ARRIVALS – Among the arrivals at the Royal Pier Hotel are, Baron and Baroness de BELIR, Count and Countess SOMERCOURT, Count and Countess de LOUVERCOURT, Marquis and Marchioness TALBOAT and suite, Countess de DION, Lord and Miss SOUTHWELL, and the Hon. Capt. SIDDELL.