Isle of Wight Observer
Oct 4th 1862: HOSPITALITY – The customers of WHITFIELD’s eating house were regaled with a dinner before the close of the season, on Tuesday last, and, of course ample justice was done to the capital joints placed before them.
Oct 4th 1862: BATTALION – There is no doubt that Volunteering has given a check to the miserable, grovelling and sordid spirit of the age, and that it has rekindled Old English pluck and chivalry.
Oct 4th 1862: OIL PAINTINGS – A sale of BAXTER’s oil print pictures will take place at the Town Hall next week. We have not yet seen a specimen of this collection, but our contemporaries state that they are of the highest class and order of merit.
Oct 4th 1862: FEAST OF ST. MICHAEL – The annual goose dinner took place at the Nelson-tavern on Monday last, when 28 guests sat down to a well-provided table. After the cloth was cleared, song and sentiment went round in a free-and-easy manner; and before the close, champagne was supplied ad libitum by a well-known sporting gentleman.
Oct 4th 1862: CEMETERY – At last this “last resting place” approaches completion. The chapels are now under the hands of the painters, and will, to all appearance, be finished very shortly.
Oct 4th 1862: FASHIONAL INTELLIGENCE – The Baron and Baroness de BECKMAN have left Broughton-house, Strand for London; The Dowager Lady LIFFORD and the Honble. Misses HEWITT left their residence, Yarborough-villa, Pelham-field, on Wednesday last, for the South of France, for the winter; Mr. and Mrs. Robert BURRELL have arrived at Gwydyr-house for the winter.
Oct 11th 1862: LECTURE – The Rev. W. M. MITCHELL, coloured minister to the fugitive slaves, Toronto, Canada West, and author of a popular work, “The Underground Railroad,” delivered a lecture on American Slavery, at the Victoria-rooms, on Tuesday evening. The lecturer was more fluent than Negro’s generally are, and made an interesting lecture. A collection was made in aid of the funds to build chapels and schools for fugitive slaves.
Oct 18th 1862: HARMONIC SOCIETY – About 12 years ago a capital harmonic society was established at the Star Inn, but its success speedily called about half a dozen others into existence; to support which, people were so bored that they forsake them all. Consequently, last winter, there was no amusement of a convivial nature. We are pleased to find that Mr. NEWMAN of the Eagle Hotel has devoted his billiard room to the purchase of harmony every Wednesday evening.
Oct 18th 1862: REPAVING UNION STREET – A proposition was made at the meeting of the Ryde Commissioners on Tuesday evening “that Union-street be re-paved at a cost of from £700 to £800,” and considering it is the principal business street of the town and the dilapidated state of the pavement, no one, we should suppose, would abstractly dissent from that proposition. One side to be done in 1863, the other in 1864.
Oct 18th 1862: PROMOTION – The announcement in Tuesday’s Gazette: “Admiral of the Blue Sir. A. W. T. CLIFFORD, bart., C.B., to be Admiral of the White.” This highly respected and gallant baronet has therefore only to step up one more round before he reaches the top of the ladder.
Oct 18th 1862: WEATHER – The daily papers have announced during the week the prevalence of hurricanes, rain, sleet and even snow, in the north of England, which is in strong contrast to the weather which has prevailed in the Isle of Wight during the same period.
Image of Sir Augustus Clifford from Wikicommons