Isle of Wight Observer:-
Feb 7th 1863: R.S.P.C.A. – A meeting was held and the Rev. E. N. DUMBLETON moved the first resolution to form a branch of this society in the Isle of Wight. He spoke of a necessity in the Island as a great deal of cruelty was practised, especially on the road between Ryde and Ventnor.
Feb 7th 1863: FIRE BRIGADE – The sudden calling out of these men–talked of at a meeting of the Commissioners some time ago–took place about 6 o’clock on Wednesday evening. They went through the customary exercises opposite the Coastguard station, and also near Trinity Church, in the presence of several of the Commissioners.
Feb 21st 1863: REMOVAL – The pillar letter-box, which lately stood near the workshop of Messrs. DASHWOOD in High-street, has been removed and fixed close to the Star Inn. There is not the least doubt about one being wanted there, but we do think it will be a serious loss to the inhabitants of the upper end of the town to lose theirs in this manner.
Feb 21st 1863: FORTIFICATIONS – Several Armstrong guns, to be mounted on the new forts at Sandown, arrived at the Ferry Company’s works on Wednesday. They weigh upwards of four tons each, and are of 7-inch bore. They were brought over by Mr. OAKLEY’s vessels, hoisted out by a crane and sent to Sandown on large trucks each pulled by six horses. The Artillerymen who have charge of transit are billeted about the town. More guns are due to arrive at the Ferry works.
Feb 21st 1863: RYDE NATIONAL SCHOOLS – By the withdrawal of the Government augmentation grant to pupil teachers, and making the capitation grant contingent upon “results,” the prospect for the coming year of the managers is somewhat anxious. We trust that the friends of volunteer education will come forward liberally and prevent schools suffering through Whig economy.
Feb 21st 1863: CHARITIES – Two amateur theatrical performances, in aid of the local charities, by distinguished military and other gentlemen, will take place during the ensuing week; there is a novelty in connection therewith, as the performances will take place at the Victoria-rooms.
Feb 28th 1863: DARING ROBBERY – It being washing day at one of the houses in Warwick-street, the clothing of the family was suspended on the line in the yard to dry. The man occupying, being at work in his little shop whilst the mistress was pursuing her avocation over the wash-pan in the wash-house, the robber completely stripped one line of the clothes, placing the pegs down in a heap.
Feb 28th 1863: FLAYING MEN ALIVE – We hear the debate in the House of Commons on Monday referred to the great increase of flogging which has taken place in the navy during the last year. The number of men flogged was 1,076 and the number of lashes was 36,463. Much was said about the impropriety of allowing seamen to be flogged without sentence of a court-martial, it was regretted that the rule then recognised had not been adopted.
Feb 28th 1863: QUADRILLE PARTY – A respectable party, numbering about 40, met at the Town Hall on Monday, for the sole purpose of joining in “the mazy dance” and thereby enjoying themselves to their heart’s content. The band was all that could be desired on this occasion, waltz, polka, varsoviana, &c., being given in rapid succession.
Image from Memories of Monday by Joan Pearson, illustration by Diane E Robertson