How Islanders can aid Herb Collection (1944)
The Isle of Wight County Herb Committee have decided to limit collections this year to stinging nettles, foxglove seeds and rose hips, and are seeking even larger amounts of these medicinal herbs than were collected last year.
Collections should be sent or taken to a local W.V.S office, or to Braunstone House, Lugley Street, Newport. Prices paid will be 7d. per lb. for stinging nettle leaves, 4s. per lb. for foxglove seeds 1d. per lb for nettle stems and 2s. per 14 lb. for rose hips.
The following points should be of value when collecting and drying the herbs.
Stinging nettles.- Found in waste places everywhere between May and December. The nettles should be cut on a dry day when the dew is off. The collector should be equipped with a pair of thick old gloves and a pair of shears or a hook. The cut nettles should be tied in small bunches (up to six stems) or placed singly on wire, string or canes, strung across an outhouse, shed or garage, but there should be good ventilation to ensure quick drying. When dry, the leaves should be stripped from the stems and rammed well down into the sacks. In spring young nettles 12 to 18 inches high can be collected, and when dry need not be stripped as the stems are not hard.
Foxglove Seeds.- should be collected in June and August or when half to three quarters of the seed vessels on the stalk have begun to split. They are found in woods and waste places but particularly in the Ventnor, Brighstone and Apse Heath areas. A dry day must be chosen for collecting the seeds. Bend the foxglove stalk over until the head can be shaken into a large bag. The seeds should be placed in a hot oven or a warm room to dry out. Clean by sieving and store in an air-tight tin.
Rose Hips.- The time for collecting is August, September and October. They should be collected as soon as the hips begin to turn pink, and should be in a dry condition (no dew). Rose hips which are fully ripe should not be collected as they will not stand up to transport. The hips should be clean and free from stalks and leaves. It is a great help if hips collected are sent to the depots early in the week. They can then be forwarded to the manufacturers- thus ensuring early delivery and avoiding week-end delays.
Source: Isle of Wight Times 11 May 1944
Photo images – from RSHG Nature Gallery and foxglove from Wikipedia