In June our Research Team, led by Ann Barrett, added biographical detail to 26 records on the website.
Various archives have been searched and in these udates you will find details about:
* A report of a boating accident off the Pier in September 1907 (George Woodman)
* Memories of Mr Stanley Piggott who worked for the railway and retired in December 1966
* Census details and report of death of Mr George Frampton in May 1883. He won many prizes at various Horticultural shows and exhibitions.
* The book “Easy and Economical Cookery” written by Miss Millicent Fardell of Ryde and published shortly after her untimely death in September 1892
For the full list of additions in June please click on the link below.
If you are able to help with this fascinating aspect of our work and could spend even a short time at the Record Office, please contact Ann Barrett, the leader of our Research Team. You can contact Ann by clicking on the Contact button at the top of the page.