Isle of Wight Observer:-
Oct 3rd 1863: INTERESTING TREAT – The boys on board the training ship St. Vincent, to the number of 150, were entertained on Tuesday last by Commander Marcus LOWTHER at his residence, Thornton, near Ryde, preparatory to his leaving command of the vessel in November. The gallant captain provided liberally for them on the grounds, and at 6 o’clock they marched through Ryde headed by the fine brass band of the ship.
Oct 3rd 1863: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir, I have been ten weeks at Ryde, and every day the ladies of my family have been more or less annoyed by having to pass opposite the entrance to the Pier-hotel, to get to the Pier, through a congregation of touters, porters, ostlers, boatmen, and idlers, who are smoking and spitting on the foot pavement. I hope next year that notice has been taken of the above facts. Yours obediently, a yearly visitor to Ryde.
Oct 10th 1863: THEATRE – Friday evening last was a grand fashionable night, the Officers of Parkhurst Garrison having given an amateur performance, on which occasion the pit was converted into stalls, and the house crowded. At the conclusion the Officers partook of a champagne supper at the Star.
Oct 10th 1863: ADVANTAGES OF A TOWN CRIER – On Tuesday evening Mrs. YOUNG, of Appley Towers, lost a valuable bracelet in or near Union-street. Our friend BUCKETT’s services were called into requisition, and on Wednesday he cried so energetically that in two hours the bracelet was produced, proving that he is a most valuable functionary. He is, we understand, about to open “a lost and found office.”
Oct 10th 1863: MEMORIAL WINDOW – During the past week a very handsome double-lancet window, “In memory of Bellina, the beloved daughter of Sir John and Lady LEES, who died January 26, 1858, aged 14,” has been erected in the S.E. angle of Trinity Church. At some future day, it is intended to fill the opposite window with a memorial to her Ladyship’s grandfather, the late venerable Sir James CALDWELL.
Oct 17th 1863: ILLUMINATED CLOCK – Mr. NEWBALD, who is about to remove directly opposite the Post Office, offered to the Ryde Commissioners to erect a clock to be illuminated at nights provided they would pay for the gas. The offer was accepted and thus a spirited public improvement will be carried out at a small cost.
Oct 17th 1863: RECREATION GROUND – We despair of success, even during the past week we have been repeatedly asked, why such a fashionable town has not an archery or croquet ground? All we can say is, we have got no land, otherwise the problem should soon be solved.
Oct 24th 1863: ROADS NEAR SWANMORE CHURCH – We are continually requested to call the attention of the Commissioners to the disgraceful state of the roads leading to this church. The winter season now setting in, renders it imperative that something be done.
Oct 31st 1863: BAND – Instead of playing in the open air during the winter season, the Isle of Wight Rifle Battalion Band intends (at the request of subscribers) to give a series of instrumental and vocal performances at the Victoria Rooms, Ryde, of which due notice will be given. Subscribers, free; non-subscribers, 6d. each. J. CONDUIT, bandmaster.
Oct 31st 1863: SOIREES & DANSANTES – These brilliant assemblies, conducted by Mr. Russell THOMAS, meet every Tuesday evening at the Town Hall, Ryde. Class night for instruction every Friday evening.
Image of Training Ship HMS St Vincent from Wikipedia