Our AGM on Saturday 12 October was attended by 39 members and and there were apologies from 8 members.
Chairman’s Report Janette Gregson, Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave the Annual report illustrated with a slideshow of images taken at the many events during the past year. Our biggest achievement of the year was winning the National Award from the Communities Archive and Heritage Group for being The Most Inspirational Community Archive Group and in addition we had two very successful Open Days in Ryde Cemetery in May and Heritage Open Days at St Thomas Church in September.
Finance Report Arthur Williams, Treasurer, gave the financial report which showed the group had made a small profit during the last year.
Membership Report Kate MacDonell, Membership Secretary reported that we currently have 81 members.
Election of Officers The following people were nominated and accepted by a show of hands :-
Chairperson – Janette Gregson
Secretary – Barbara Hunt
Membership Secretary – Kate MacDonell
Treasurer – Arthur Williams
Additional Committee Members – Carol Strong, Ann Barrett, Shelagh Gaylard.
Newly elected were Marilyn Newsham & Jo Dodd
Reports on the past year’s activities were also given by Ann Barrett – Research Team Leader, Janette Gregson – Transcribing Team Leader. Carol Strong – Publications Team Leader and David Earle presented a report on his mapping of the various cemeteries in Ryde.
After the business of the meeting was concluded refreshments were served and the raffle held.
To end the meeting the group was treated to some delightful short presentations by members of the group:
A Wartime Love Story – Pauline McCall
Memories of Ryde – Ralph Jenvey
Meeting a Celebrity – Poppy Higgin
Ryde Recollections – David Harris
A Scandalous Affair – Derek Warman
Mystery Object – Arthur Williams
Ryde Photographer – Gordon Childs
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
The date of our next meeting is Saturday January 11 at 10:30am at the George Street Centre, Ryde
We look forward to seeing you there!