Isle of Wight Observer:-
Jan 2nd 1864: PRIMITIVE METHODISTS – The customary Christmas entertainment of this sect took place, as usual, at the Victoria-rooms on Saturday. The tea, which took place at 5 o’clock, was attended by about 150 persons, and ample justice was done to the plentiful and substantial fare provided. A large and handsome Christmas tree stood on the platform, the branches thereof profusely decorated with penny oranges, baby linen, dolls’ hats, books and markers etc. which found numerous purchasers during the evening.
Jan 9th 1864: WOOD BRICKS – All the new portion of the pier will, in a few days, be paved with wood bricks, laid in asphalte, and, it is presumed, will be all ready for the locomotive in about a fortnight. Messrs. LANGDON, have now a steam engine, with circular saws, at work.
Jan 9th 1864: FIELDER FUND – The subscription in aid of the fund, which originated at the Kent-hotel, has now closed. We believe the amount raised is nearly £400, besides the fund for placing one of the children in the Orphan Asylum at Southampton.
Jan 9th 1864: BEECHLANDS – The mansion of the late General Sir J. L. CALDWELL, G.C.B., is undergoing very extensive alterations and additions, with a view of fitting it up as a permanent residence for Mrs. Edward SULLIVAN, and Sir. John and Lady LEES and family.
Jan 9th 1864: MALICIOUS DAMAGE – Our Commissioners have offered a reward of £5 for such information as may lead to the conviction of the scoundrels who damaged the public chairs on the Esplanade.
Jan 16th 1864: MEMORIAL – A memorial from the inhabitants of Victoria-street, requesting the Board to pave and light the street, was referred to the Paving Committee.
Jan 23rd 1864: EXPLOSION – A gas explosion occurred on Sunday evening last at Beldornie Tower, the residence of W. H. ANDERSON esq., by which the adjoining houses were also shaken and some damage done. It appeared to have occurred through a defective pipe in the road.
Jan 30th 1864: PARISH CHURCH – We are pleased to hear that the difficulties heretofore alluded to, with regard to a site for the proposed new church, have been liberally overcome on the part of the owners of the soil—that facing the entrance to Westmont, the seat of Sir William MARTINS.
Jan 30th 1864: AMATEUR PARSONS – Mr. HESSMAN issued a very effecting invitation that all who wished to be saved should meet him at the Victoria-rooms on Wednesday evening. At the time appointed, seats had been arranged for 400 persons, however, the whole of the company consisted of the reverend gentleman, our reporter and a man to attend to the gas, no one else appearing.
Jan 30th 1864: KING OF THE BELGIAN’s – Westfield, Sir Augustus CLIFFORD’s seat, which is taken for a month as a residence for the King of the Belgians, is ready for his reception. Nothing further as to the day of his arrival—which was originally fixed for the 28th inst.—has been heard at the house.
Jan 30th 1864: REMOVAL – Joseph BUTLER, Fruiterer, Greengrocer, &c., begs to inform that he had removed from 39 High-street, to 130 High-street, Ryde, (directly opposite the Star Inn).
Jan 30th 1864: GARDEN ROBBERY – During the night of Sunday last the garden of Major TATTNALL, Quarr-hill, was robbed of a large quantity of celery and sea-kale.
Image of King Leopold from Wikipedia