Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Motor Ferry Transport Charges

Fishbourne 1938


The Joint Clerk to the Sandown- Shanklin Urban District Council had forwarded a copy of the following resolution which had been passed by that Council inviting the support of the Ryde Council: “That this Council views with concern the prevalent charges for transport of motor cars to and from the Isle of Wight, and directs that appropriate representations be made to the Southern Railway and the Southampton and Isle of Wight Steam Packet Company for a modification of such charges during the winter months.”

Councillor Wilson, seconding the recommendation, which was moved by the Chairman, Alderman Hill, recalled that he had proposed a similar resolution in that Council in March 1933. “This charge is really iniquitous,” he said. “At this time of the year we are holding out both hands for week-enders, but can you expect a man to bring his wife, when it costs nearly £2 for a two-seater car. It is more than the hotel-bill.”

Councillor Pollard added that there was no boat on Sunday, and recently when he wanted to go to Dorking he had to go round by Southampton.

The Mayor commented that there was nothing like keeping on pressing, and they might get something.

The resolution was adopted.

Source: Isle of Wight Times 14 November 1935
Image: Courtesy John Faulkner