March 1864
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Mar 5th 1864: NAVAL MEN – On Tuesday last about 150 men and boys stationed on board Her Majesty’s ship Excellent were, by the kindness of Commander HERBERT, treated to a holiday, for the purpose of looking over Ryde and its neighbourhood. They are a fine hearty looking set of fellows, and seemed right merrily to enjoy the treat thus afforded them.
Mar 5th 1864: ANGLESEA TAVERN – The usual harmonic dinner took place on Thursday evening, nearly 50 persons having sat down to an excellent repast, served up in Host TARVER’s usual style. A very happy and harmonious evening was passed.
Mar 5th 1864: DAME FORTUNE – Two subscribers to the Boy’s Own Magazine (published by S.O. BEETON) resident in this town have been fortunate enough to obtain prizes in the ninth annual distribution connected with that work. The prizes in both cases consist of medicine chests “of the value of 10s.6d. each,” and may be seen in the shop window of Mr. FENWICK’s, High-street.
Mar 12th 1864: LONDON COURT OF BANKRUPTCY – On the 10th inst., Mr. G. J. JOYCE filed a petition and obtained adjudication of bankruptcy and protection for Mr. John GOODALL of 5 Cross-street, Ryde, boot and shoe maker.
Mar 12th 1864: BURIAL BOARD – The orders for several grants of land for burials were signed. It had been suggested that the Board should purchase about 20 lime trees, which could be had for 20s., and would be a great acquisition to the beauty of the place. The Board fell in with this suggestion.
Mar 19th 1864: NEW LOCOMOTIVE – A considerable number of spectators assembled on the Pier and Esplanade to witness the novel sight of the new engine, named Vectis. Elegant in construction and light in appearance, her weight being 6¼ tons. Mr. WARDLE having attended, the start was made; the distance down and back being performed in 2½ minutes. The run was easy, there being no smoke or disagreeable noise to annoy promenaders.
Mar 19th 1864: THE POLICE – It was for a long time our unpleasant duty to animadvert upon the conduct of the police, because the principal portion of their cases were beerhouse informations, whilst the place was overrun by vagabonds who were too lazy to work. As we blamed, so will we praise, for the police have lately discharged their proper functions more effectively.
Mar 19th 1864: HERALDS OF SPRING – A German band has arrived. If one swallow doesn’t make summer, one band does.
Mar 19th 1864: FIRE BRIGADE – This brigade had a practice on Wednesday afternoon with the engine and escape, under the direction of Mr. John LANGDON, the superintendent. The men have been supplied with their new uniform, and appear to be in a high state of efficiency.
Mar 19th 1864: SESSIONS – A man named WILLIAMS was charged with firing a pistol on the Turnpike-road. Charles HASTIE stated that he resides at Dustans, near Ryde and was in his drawing-room when he saw defendant fire off a horse-pistol in the turnpike-road, he had annoyed him several times in the same way. Defendant was fined 5s., and costs, or 14 days imprisonment. Defendant said he preferred the 14 days, and was taken away accordingly.
Image of Boys Own from Google Books