On May 3 we took our display boards over to Northwood House at Cowes for the Isle of Wight Family History Society’s one day conference and AGM.
The IWFHS had invited many other local groups to attend the day with displays of their work and it was a wonderful opportunity to network with like-minded people.
The whole day was extremely well organised and seemed to run like clockwork. We met up with friends old and new and were able to help a number of people with enquiries about their ancestors from Ryde.
During quiet times we were able to visit the other exhibits and were particularly impressed with IW Rifles Group and the display by the IW Records Office which included some WW1 correspondence to residents of Ryde. There were many other exhibits and it was all very interesting. There were also delicious tea and caked provided by the local WI.
Many thanks to the IWFHS for inviting us to the event and thanks to Carol and Janette for transporting and manning the RSHG exhibit all day.