Isle of Wight Observer:-
Jun 4th 1864: TRAVEL – A correspondent to the London Times on Tuesday, says, “Having lately returned from Berlin, I think it right to make known to your readers the brutal conduct to which English travellers are at the present moment subjected, in some instances actually pelted with stones. One hopes this stops the mania for visiting German instead of English watering-places.
Jun 4th 1864: OUR STREETS – Everybody who considers that the streets of Ryde measure about nine miles, and that some of them—such as the Esplanade, Union-street, and George-street—are of enormous width, must admit that is a difficult matter to scavenger and water them fairly without great expense.
Jun 4th 1864: THE SEASON – Probably the cleanliness for which Ryde is proverbial has never been surpassed, if equalled, to that of the present time. Everything that the house-decorator and gardener can do has been done, and the town puts a good face upon its prospects.
Jun 11th 1864: CELEBRATION – On Thursday evening last Mr. W. STANNARD gave a supper at the Prince of Wales to the men in his employ and a few friends, on the occasion of the marriage of his sister. The health of the newly-married couple was drank with all the honours.
Jun 11th 1864: RAILWAY – We have had an opportunity of inspecting a considerable portion of the line between Ryde and Shanklin; and, so far as we can judge, there is a fair prospect of its being opened at an early date. At Ryde, the permanent engine-house and apparatus for watering engines are ready for service.
Jun 11th 1864: UNWELCOME VISITOR – A bullock belonging to Mr. ISAACS, bolted in the shop of Mr. TANSOM, in the High-street, after which, he ran furiously into Dore’s-row, thence into Warwick-street, and on to the Cemetery, and over gardens and hedges pell-mell.
Jun 18th 1864: CONCERT – The Rifle battalion band announce a grand performance on Thursday next at the Victoria-rooms. They will be assisted by Mr. A. STEELE and Mr. A. FOWLES. We trust they will be well supported in their efforts to gratify the public.
Jun 18th 1864: HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY – The first flower show for this season will take place on Wednesday next, by the kind permission of Sir William MARTINS, in the grounds of Westmont, Ryde. We understand the military band will add to the attractions of the day.
Jun 25th 1864: OBJECTION – The telegraph wire in Ryde was laid underground, which was easily and cheaply done; but, as the office is to be removed from the Town-hall to the Pier, the wire is carried thence over houses and across several streets. Many persons objected to this, as giving to a fashionable town a mercantile appearance without its profits.
Jun 25th 1864: BAND – The celebrated band of the Hungarian Brothers has arrived, which no doubt the public will be glad to hear, and have brought an addition of the newest and choicest music.
Jun 25th 1864: LIBERALITY – Our highly-respected townsman, Blackall SIMONDS, esq., completed his 81st year on Thursday, when he commissioned Mr. WRIGHT to give a gallon of bread to 81 aged people; an example worthy of imitation. We wish him “many happy returns of the day.”