Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Visit to Elim Church
Visit to Elim Church

On Wednesday afternoon, 4 June, Dave Bushell as George Fellows Harrington and Ann Barrett as Frances Barnes made an appearance at the Elim Church Senior Circle, Albert Street, Ryde. Accompanied by our narrator Kate MacDonell, George Harrington introduced several of his theories about the universe including ‘The Sun is not the source of heat and light to the Solar System’! Being an accomplished dentist he explained how he had made false teeth and invented the patented ‘Erado’, the first clockwork drill in 1864. He also told us about his latest project ‘The Sweating Problem and its Solution’.

Ann’s character, Frances Barnes, had lots to tell about life at the Royal Pier Hotel when she and her husband Daniel were the proprietors. She even dared to tell the story of when Empress Eugenie was refused lodgings at the hotel due to her dishevelled appearance following her flight from France in 1870. Such a scandal at the time! Daniel disliked anyone mentioning the subject but following his death and all the upset he caused the family by disinheriting their daughter who ‘had married against his will’, Frances would now tell the story to any willing listener.

Between the characters Carol gave a slide show and commentary about the growth of Ryde following Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’s choice to make Osborne at East Cowes their home.

Tea and cakes were provided afterwards by volunteers of the Elim Church and we passed round more photographs of Ryde which generated lots of memories and discussion. Some members of RSHG and friends attended the afternoon including our mainland members Richard Boulton and his wife Laura, their friend Peter and dog Carys who were on holiday on the Island. It was a pleasure to meet them at last, as although they are often on the Island, this was the first time it coincided with our events.

Thanks to all the volunteers for making us so welcome and to the very appreciative audience.

Image: Photograph by Carol Strong: photo – back row Peter, Dave as George Fellows Harrington, Richard, front row Laura, dog Carys, Kate, Ann as Mrs Frances Barnes