Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Pole Dance!
Pole Dance!

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Aug 6th 1864: THE PIER – The attractive scenery, bracing sea airs, and above all the splendid military bands, have continued to draw even more than the usual numbers of promenaders to this resort during the past week. On Saturday the band of the Royal Marines performed a brilliant selection.

Aug 6th 1864: BATHING STAGE – This great accommodation is as highly esteemed as ever; indeed, the number availing themselves of it are greater than ever. Some complaints, however, have reached the Commissioners, the result of which is that the committee have ordered drawers to be provided for all the bathers. Such mamby-pambyism is unworthy the regard of men or women; it may suit maudlin fools.

Aug 13th 1864: THEATRE – On Monday next the manager will be patronised by Lieut-Col DUNSMURE and the officers of the Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers, when no doubt there will be a strong muster of the corps in uniform, in addition to a fashionable circle in the boxes. The officers will have a mess dinner at the Masonic-hall, John-street, previously.

Aug 20th 1864: PHOTOGRAPHY – Mr. Jabez HUGHES, of the Arcade, has been favoured with additional sittings of Her Majesty and various members of the Royal Family at Osborne. We understand this gentleman has been very successful, and that the Queen expressed her high satisfaction with the results.

Aug 20th 1864: RAILWAY – It has been suggested to us that as the opening of the Railway (probably in a few days) will be the greatest event in Ryde, since the opening of the pier in 1814, and the starting of steamers in 1826, that it ought to be celebrated as a holiday.

Aug 20th 1864: HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY – The last show of this society for the season took place on Wednesday, by kind permission of Geo. YOUNG, esq., in the grounds of Apley Towers, and it was a brilliant success. Those accustomed of late to see the parched state of the country must have been agreeably surprised at the verdant appearance of these grounds.

Aug 27th 1864: RYDE PIER COMPANY – The new tramway carriage of this Company, to be worked by a horse, has arrived, and comprises first and second class accommodation for 32 persons. The carriage was built by Mr. AYDEFORD, of Waltham-green, London, and weighs 1 ton 16 cwt. It is fitted with breaks of a new design, that can stop the carriage, with the horse at full trot, in a space of four feet.

Aug 27th 1864: ACCIDENT – On Wednesday evening last several parties were returning from the annual licensing meeting at Newport, in a light van, when at the top of Binstead Hill one of the traces broke. The horse went rattling down the hill at a furious rate, ultimately throwing all the passengers out and smashing the trap. Mr. Thomas FAIRALL had his shoulder dislocated and other parties escaped with some bruises.

Aug 27th 1864: THURLOW v LORD NIGEL KENNEDY – Claim for £4.17s., for hire of plate and work done.—His Lordship did not appear, and so another judgement was added to a long list previously obtained by various tradesmen of Ryde in this Court.

Aug 27th 1864: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Permit me to state, that I am a member of the committee which decided upon the programme of the Ryde Royal Regatta. I decidedly disapprove of the pole dance announced for Thursday, and think the committee would have shewn much better taste if they had omitted that amusement… I am, Sir, your obedient servant Joseph PAUL.*

Image Source: http://friendfeed.com/oldphotos/63acdcc8/victorian-pole-dance

*Please note the reference to the Pole Dance is probably referring to the greasy pole (see link below) and not lovely ladies dancing with a pole