Isle of Wight Observer
Nov 5th 1864: IN MEMORIAM – We have been favored with a sight of one of the largest and best photographic portraits, taken at the studio of Mr. HUGHES, that we have ever seen. It is a faithful likeness of the late Capt. HAMILTON, of the Esk, who fell whilst gallantly leading an attack upon a “pau” during the New Zealand war. Would it not be a point of great interest if the Royal Victoria Yacht Club were to form a gallery of its distinguished members?
Nov 5th 1864: ROBBERY – On Tuesday last it was discovered that the iron-bound boxes placed within St. Marie’s Church for the relief of the poor, and other objects, had been sacrilegiously broken open and their contents abstracted. The police have been communicated with.
Nov 12th 1864: TOWN HALL – From some extraordinary oversight, when the works were executed at the Town-hall, there was no wash-house and other conveniences attached to the hall-keeper’s cottage. The committee had therefore considered it advisable to remedy to defect.
Nov 12th 1864: WATER SUPPLY – It was a matter of congratulation that, at the fire in Nelson-street a few nights ago, there was sufficient pressure on at the time to put it out from the plugs. The absurd statement which had appeared in the Southampton Independent about their being reduced to the necessity of using salt water for want of fresh, was incorrect.
Nov 12th 1864: NEW ROAD – The Chairman read a requisition from the owners and occupiers of the land on the proposed new road from the top of West-street to the Cemetery, requesting the Board to see that the foot paths and sewerage was properly done, and pledging themselves to repay the full cost of the same in 30 years.
Nov 12th 1864: CLUBS – The working men’s clubs, established throughout the country, might be destined to lead their members to value the privileges offered by institutions aspiring to higher aims than the clubs. We believe they are intended as a preparatory step to public penny readings.
Nov 12th 1864: AUCTION – Instructions to Let by Public Auction on November 17, 1864, several lots of valuable Building Land, held on lease, situate at the corner of High-street and Hill-street, Ryde, and known as the “Sun Inn Property,” and offering most eligible sites for the erection of dwelling-houses with shops.
Nov 19th 1864: READING – A reading-room has been established in the St. Marie’s school-rooms, under the presidency of the Rev. John TELFORD. We wish this young society every success.
Nov 19th 1864: WANTED – in a Gentleman’s family at Ryde, an experienced Woman as Nurse, to take charge of two boys of 6 and 7 years’ old. She must be a good needlewoman, good-tempered, and accustomed to care of young children, of unexceptionable character; wages liberal.—Apply to Mrs. BUTLER, “Observer” Office, Ryde.
Nov 26th 1864: CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS – We beg to direct the attention of our readers to an announcement by Mr. CONDUIT that the ever-popular Christy’s will appear again before a Ryde audience on Thursday evening, when we hope, as usual, to see a crowded house.
Nov 26th 1864: ADVERT – I. LEAL, Green Grocer, &c., No. 135 High-street, Ryde.—Read’s genuine Pork and Beef Sausages fresh from Newport every day. Cow-heel and Tripe on Tuesdays and Fridays.—N.B. Newport River Oysters fresh every day.
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