Fungi Walk 10 November 2015
On Tuesday morning, 10 November, 2015, we were delighted that 37 people gathered for the RSHG Fungi Walk at Ryde Cemetery. Dr Colin Pope of the Isle of Wight Natural History and Archaeological Society led the walk which lasted about an hour. Although the weather was a bit cloudy and breezy, it was quite warm and thankfully the rain stayed away.
Dr Pope explained that many cemeteries are good for a fungi foray as they often occupy areas of old meadow grassland that has never been farmed. He described Ryde Cemetery as a pastoral heaven in the midst of an urban area. Once Dr Pope had pointed out a few waxcaps, everyone spotted their many varieties in abundance – yellow, orange, scarlet, snowy, the rare Pink or Ballerina and the green and yellow Parrot.
Other species, including the rather unusual Smokey Spindles, Bluetts and Inkcaps were also identified. Some field mushrooms and Funnel Caps were found by the pine trees.
Afterwards a band of RSHG volunteers had refreshments ready in the North Chapel which were most welcome. No-one seemed in any hurry to leave and stayed for some time, chatting and perusing the RSHG archive. Some people were keen to know when our next Cemetery Walk or event would be taking place!