Christmas Festivities 7 December 2016
Seasonal festivities were in full swing at the Ryde Cemetery Heritage and Learning Centre for RSHG’s Victorian Christmas Event. About 40 members and friends passed through the doors between 10.30 and 2pm, enjoying good company and conversation, refreshments which included mince pies and Christmas cake and some people even managed to do a bit of research. Two new compilations of photographs from the Roy Brinton Collection were available for perusal as well as our usual updated general files. Our Sales Table with cards and books also went down well, with several Christmas purchases.
The chapels had been beautifully decorated for the recent school visits and there were displays on the theme of Victorian Christmas. The Winter Forest made by the children was much admired.
A special treat for the occasion was provided by Dave Bushell who entertained us by playing Christmas carols on the keyboard. A few brave souls joined in with singing.
It was a very enjoyable event and thanks to everyone who came along and to all those who helped with organisation.
Ryde Social Heritage Group would like to take this opportunity to wish all members and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Photographs by David Bushell and John Martin