Christmas Post 1963
Christmas cards tied up with pink wool; a drum addressed to “Ringo, London” and more than 2,300 parcelled poultry were some of the items which faced Ryde sorters and postmen at the Ryde Head Post Office, Union Street, over the holiday.
Altogether, between 13 and 29 December, 385,000 letters went through the office franking machine, and all carried the new message “Choose Ryde for happy holidays” next to the stamp. This figure is two percent higher than the corresponding period last year, or 8,000 more. By Christmas Eve 365,000 cards had been sent from Ryde, 10,000 more than last year.
The biggest increase, however, was in parcels – an increase of 50 per cent over 1962. By Christmas Eve the Ryde Head Office had dispatched 564 bags of parcels to all over the world, including 2,300 poultry from an Island firm.
One thoughtful person sent Christmas cards neatly tied in three bundles with pink wool with a Post Office district name attached to each bundle. “It was very much appreciated,” said Mr. Bunnell, head Postmaster at Ryde.
“Beatlemania” was evident even in the mail. On Christmas Eve a flimsy parcel was posted in Ryde with the address “Ringo, London.” Inside was a toy drum, which Mr. Bunell said was delivered to the S.E. London district.
Again this year the Post Office used the Vectis Hall, Melville Street, to help with parcel post.
Source: Isle of Wight Times 21 January 1964; illustration