RSHG Welcomes New President
Mr. Richard Smout was welcomed as the Ryde Social Heritage Group’s new President at their recent April Members’ Meeting. Richard said he was honoured to have been asked to take on this role but that the late Roy Brinton would be a hard act to follow. Richard said he was proud to be associated with such a successful local history research group.
Despite many apologies from regular attendees, there were still 39 people present at the meeting which took place at the George St. Centre in Ryde. During the business part of the meeting Kate MacDonell (Secretary) gave a summary of RSHG events and activities over the last 3 months and Arthur Williams (Treasurer) gave a financial update. Ann Barrett (Research Co-ordinator) also updated us on the many different aspects of research which have been going on.
After the raffle and refreshments Ken Hicks gave his very interesting talk, ‘An Island Legacy.’ This covered the history of the Island from 1817- 2017 and was illustrated with the most wonderful Brannon images compared with modern, mostly aerial views.
As always, the meeting was a happy, relaxed and sociable event, providing an opportunity to catch up with friends and discuss the Group’s activities.
Photographs by David Bushell