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Squire Knight’s Eye Ointment

Victorian Eye Ointment



For the Cure of all Diseases of the Eye, approaching even to Blindness.

The preservation of good Eyesight is a matter which concerns both rich and poor, and the delicate structure of the Eye makes it daily liable to accident and injury. Excessive reading by candle or gas light, constant exposure to dusty roads, too frequent indulgence in excessively-glaring sunlight, and the irritating consequences of tobacco smoke in confined rooms, are a few of the causes of diseases of the eye.

This celebrated Eye Ointment  has cured thousands of cases of Dimness of Sight, Specks, Kells, Sore Eyelids, Inflamed Eye, Bloodshot and Watery Eyes, &c., and is peculiarly valuable in curing sore eyes in children, left by an attack of measles. There is no pain in its application, as it is simply smeared on the lid of the eye every night , and it has been used for years by all ages with the best effects.

Sold and prepared only by C. F. G. Clark and Son (successors to Squire Knight), Chemists, Market-place, Dudley. 71/2 d., 1s. 11/2 d., and 2s. 9d. each. Wholesale by all patent medicine houses.

Source: Isle of Wight Observer 13 June 1874

Picture Source: typical example of Victorian eye ointment pot – antiquepotlidcollector.com