Ryde Social Heritage Group AGM 2017
The AGM took place at the George Street Centre on Saturday 7th October and despite there being 17 apologies there was still an attendance of 32 members and 2 visitors, the latter in fact deciding to become members by the end of the meeting.
Arthur Williams (Treasurer) opened the proceedings by thanking the outgoing Chair Marilyn Newsham for her efforts over the last two years before going on to reveal that it had been another successful year financially.
Kate MacDonell then updated the membership position before going on to outline the myriad of activities in which RSHG had been involved during the last year. A display board showing some of the work which has been taking place at St Thomas’ Church was set up for members to inspect. This was followed by Ann Barrett who gave the latest research information and related amusing anecdotes. Carol Strong our Mapping Co-ordinator was unable to be present but had submitted her report which was presented on her behalf by Kate.
Elections for Officers and Committee Members then took place and Shelagh Gaylard was confirmed as our Chair for the coming year.
A raffle and members draw then took place before refreshments were served.
The final item on the agenda under the title of “Where is this”, presented by Tracy and Tim Welstead, was a series of photos they had taken of buildings in the Ryde area which the audience were invited to identify. This was well received.
Photographs by David Bushell