Big Garden Bird Watch at Ryde Cemetery 2018
What a buzz of activity there was around the Ryde Cemetery Heritage and Learning Centre on Saturday morning 27 January. Despite the cold and drizzly weather 19 people turned up for the Big Garden Birdwatch and 15 actually went out to participate in the count. The others manned the Centre, provided warm and welcome refreshments, (soups proved very popular) and enjoyed the usual social get together.
Due to the weather, although very audible, a lot of the birds remained well hidden within the shelter of trees and hedges. However, we still recorded 15 different species and the Wood Pigeon was our Number 1 this year. Our top 9 after the wood pigeon were: House Sparrow, Blackbird, Long Tailed Tit, Black headed Gull, Blue Tit, Robin, Herring Gull, Collared Dove and Goldfinch. Our results have been submitted to the RSPB and we are proud to have taken part in such a worthwhile survey.
Photographs by Rob Cain