Supporting Local Events
Friends of Northwood Cemetery celebrated their 10th Birthday Celebration on 31st March 2018. It was a bitterly cold day, however, four of RSHG’s intrepid members, accepted an invitation to join their celebration. Walks were arranged through the cemetery, where visitors could see an acre of primroses. There was entertainment with a flute recital by Siobhan Cosgrove and later by The Solent Singers. The church bell rang and the birthday celebration cake was cut by Barry Sowerby. The Directors of Wight Stonemasonry demonstrated some of their skills used in the restoration of cemetery monuments. It was a very enjoyable event, meeting friends and making new acquaintances.
A Memories Morning was held at St. Michael’s Church, Ryde, on Saturday 7th April, 2018. Six RSHG members enjoyed delicious tea, coffee and cakes. Shelagh Gaylard took along a wartime necessity, which she thought, many might still recognize. Taking an authentic gas mask from a bag, she explained it had belonged to her grandfather, George Buckett, a Superintendent of Knighton Water Works for 72 years. The audience quickly joined in with their memories, particularly recalling the awful smell of rubber. Shelagh continued with her memories, particularly one, that her mother had categorically refused to have an Morrison shelter in her home, an Anderson shelter in the garden, or even go to a communal shelter. If an aid raid siren was sounded whilst Shelagh was at school, she recalled being taken down into a large shelter in Binstead School playground. This elicited further memories from the audience, with much hilarity, and some sad recollections.
Picture source: St. Michael & All Angels – wikipedia