April Quarterly Meeting for Members, Friends & Guests
There was a very good attendance at the April Quarterly Meeting held at the George Street Centre on Saturday 13th April 2019, when we had 37 members and 6 visitors, a total of 43, plus speaker, present. Barbara Hunt, chairperson, welcomed everyone and thanked so many for coming to support the group. Feedback about the new format of the meetings was very encouraging as it was generally thought to be a good idea.
References were made regarding the forthcoming members outing to Quarr Abbey, also, a visit by two people from the U.S.A. who were looking for their ancestor’s graves in Ryde Cemetery, and the positive outcome.
During the break for the raffle and refreshments, everyone seemed to enjoy the chance to chat and catch up with friends and visitors. It was also an opportunity to peruse the files relating to the various farms around Ryde.
Members and guests were then treated to a presentation by Damon Corr of the Isle of Wight Fire Service. This was made all the more interesting by the audience participation. Damon passed numbered cards around for people to choose different topics for him to speak about, which was very well received. It was amazing the wealth of information and knowledge that Damon has and was so happy to share with us.
We would take this opportunity to thank Damon Corr for an enjoyable Saturday morning, also for helping with the photos for the RSHG April magazine, the topic of Fire & Rescue chosen to coincide with Damon’s talk.
Photographs by Dave Bushell