Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

Ryde Architecture

Remains of lettering on the parapet

Photograph 1968 (left) the former YMCA building in Lind-street, erected for that purpose in 1866, Architect Thomas Dashwood

Photograph 1980 (right) close up of the remains of the lettering on the parapet

Isle of Wight Observer 26 May 1866

Laying the Foundation Stone of the new building for the Young Men’s Christian Association, Lind Street – This ceremony took place, on Tuesday afternoon, in the presence of a large concourse of persons.  On the platform were the Rev. T. Osborne, Rev. Barry Cole, Rev. H. Thompson, G. Williams esq., T. Dashwood esq., (honorary architect), Dr. Willmot, the members of the committee, and other friends of the association.

A hymn having been sung, and an opening prayer offered by the Rev. Barry Cole, the corner stone, which contained the following inscription, was lowered into the resting place:–“This stone was laid by Geo. Williams esq., of London, May 22 1866.  Capt. Maynard R.N., president; Thos. Dashwood esq., hon. architect; C. Woodford, treasurer; W. Jacobs, secretary.”  Some papers and coins were deposited within the cavity of the stone, which was laid by Mr. G. Williams, who said, that in this building which is about to be erected the name of our gracious God may be ever honored and glorified……..The proceedings closed with a prayer by the Rev. R. Osborne; after which a tea was held at the Town-hall, and was well attended.  In the evening a crowded public meeting was held, presided over by Mr. T. Dashwood, at which many encouraging addresses were delivered………

Isle of Wight Observer 17 November 1866

Highway & Sanitary Report – The Highway, Sanitary and Gas Committee recommend that £10 be paid to the trustees of the Young Men’s Christian Association for giving up a strip of land in Lind-street, by setting back their fence in line with the adjoining fence belonging to Mr. James Fairall.

Isle of Wight Observer 19 January 1867

Inauguration of the New Building – Most of our readers will probably remember that on the 29th of May last, the corner stone of the new building to be erected in Lind-street for the Young Men’s Christian Association was laid by Mr. G. Williams, of London.  This spacious building is now nearly complete.  The total expenditure, we believe, will be—for building, fittings, furnishing, lease of land, and trust deed, about £1,000……….

Note:– The Association continued, as previously, to use the Victoria-rooms for their general meetings and courses of lectures, which always commanded a very large attendance.

Images: RSHG Archive Roy Brinton Collection