A Street Fracas
On Tuesday evening the proprietor of a Punch and Judy Show, who had obtained a pass from the Mayor, gave a performance in the High-street. It is alleged that a butcher boy who was amongst the audience pitched a stone through the top of the stand on to the head of the operator, who thereupon emerged from behind his curtains and knocked the supposed offender down. The butcher lad alleging that he had done nothing to warrant such retaliation, his cause was warmly espoused by his confreres, and the Punch and Judy man would have received rather rough treatment had it not been for the police. He was, however, effectually prevented continuing his performance, and for a short time the High-street was in quite a commotion. He had eventually to take shelter in a house, and left the town on the following morning.
Source: Isle of Wight Observer 12 June 1886
Picture source: Punch and Judy, from the Queen’s Empire, Cassell & Co. 1897-1899 – Wikimedia