Ryde Architecture
Advertisement Isle of Wight Observer 26 April 1919 – Westwing College, Vernon Square, Ryde. Boarding and Day School for Girls. Principals: Miss HOLMES (Certificated from the Royal Academy of Music). Miss F. HOLMES Assisted by staff of Certificated Teachers. A Liberal Education on Modern Lines: –French, Music, Drawing (Ablett system), Needlework included in ordinary school fees. A Boys’ Preparatory Class in connection with Westwing College is held at Melville House opposite.
Advertisement Isle of Wight Observer 29 May 1920 – Westwing College, Ryde. Boarding and Day School for Girls. – Principals: The Misses HOUGH and EGERTON. Assisted by a fully qualified Resident and Visiting Staff. A Liberal Education on Modern Lines is provided. Pupils are prepared for examinations. Specially graded Classes for Physical Culture, under the personal direction of Miss HOUGH. A Separate Kindergarten Department. Prospectus on Application.
After WWII Ryde House became the home of Westwing School for Girls, which moved there from Vernon Square.
Sources: RSHG Archive, IW Observer and photos Roy Brinton Collection