What’s on Offer in August 1862
M. J. GREENAWAY, from Madame Virginie’s, PARISIAN CORSET MAKER, Bedford House, Cross-street, Ryde, respectfully informs the Ladies Resident and Visitors to Ryde that she has received the new Collapsing Jupon: also, a large assortment of Trained Skirts in all materials, from 3s. 6d., with steel fastenings, to 14s. 6d. Ladies Yachting Jupons. Corsets of every description made to order.
2, COLONNADE, LIND STREET, RYDE. E. AND C. CROWLEY (the only Working Lapidaries in Ryde) beg to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Ryde and its Vicinity that they have commenced Business at the above address working LAPIDARIES AND JEWELLERS, and dealers in all kinds of English and Foreign Stones. Pebbles cut and polished on the premises. Jewellery repaired.
N.B.- Jewellers and the Trade supplied with every description of Agate and Precious Stone Goods, at Wholesale Prices. Visitors are respectfully invited to witness the operation of cutting and polishing Pebbles &c., performed.
2, UNION STREET, RYDE. E. GOLDSMID begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Residents of Ryde and vicinity that she has received a very fine parcel of WEST INDIA PINE APPLES, which she is able to offer at very low prices. Strawberries fresh gathered three times a day. English Wall Bigaroo Cherries in great perfection. English Hot-house Grapes, fresh cut every morning. West India preserved and crystallised Ginger. Crystalised fruits of every description , and finest quality. Sauces, Pickles, Preserves &c., at London prices. Fruit packed free of charge. Orders by post punctually attended to.
MARINE PAINTING. – Portraits of Yachts faithfully by Mr. A. FOWLES, Charlton Cottage, George-street, Ryde.
FOR HIRE, the fast-sailing CUTTER YACHT, “Contest,” well found, and ready for immediate use.
THE FASHIONABLE CARTES DE VISITE daily at JOLLIFFE AND Co.’s, Esplanade, Ryde. Price, 10s. 6d. per dozen.
Source: Isle of Wight Observer 2 August 1862
Picture source: Backlaced corset-Wikipedia