Ryde Architecture
The old Wesleyan Chapel, Nelson Street
Built in 1842 at a cost of £1,500, it had approximately 300 sittings. After the church moved to Garfield Road, the building was used as a Sunday School.
Isle of Wight Observer 23 February 1867. Wesleyan Building Scheme – During the past three years the Wesleyan’s of the Ryde Circuit have been engaged in a noble object, which at length they have most successfully accomplished. They have built side galleries in Nelson-street Chapel, costing £220; and a neat little chapel at Binstead, costing £330. The trustees of the Wesleyan Chapel express their entire satisfaction with the manner in which Mr. Thomas SIBLEY, the builder of the chapel and premises, has executed his contracts.
Images source: RSHG Archive Roy Brinton Collection