Ryde Architecture
(photo right) A rear view of Lynthorpe, Corbett Road, Ryde, previously the residence of Michael Maybrick, five times Mayor of Ryde, and a composer of music under the name of Stephen Adams.
(photo left the drawing room at Lynthorpe) Michael could play the piano with brilliance and accuracy when he was 8 years old. At 14 he was appointed organist at St. Peters, Liverpool, and when he was only 15 he distinguished himself as a composer of anthems. At 22 he went abroad to study harmony and composition at Leipzig, under Moscheles, Plaidy, and Richter, and he did so with so much success as to receive an excellent testimonial from Plaidy. In Leipzig, however, it was discovered that he possessed a voice of superior quality, and as a consequence he sacrificed his contrapuntal studies in order to devote himself to vocal cultivation. For some time he studied at Milan under Nava, and in 1870 he appeared at the new philharmonic concert with such decided success that he joined the late Mme. Sainton-Dolby in her farewell tour. His rendering of the part of Telramund in Wagner’s “Lohengrin,” won for him a leading place in English opera. In 1871 he joined Mr. Sims Reeves in an operatic tour, and his popularity grew so rapidly that he soon found it profitable to exchange the operatic stage for the concert room. He appeared in public with some of our best vocalists, having become a most popular baritone singer. (more about Michael Maybrick/Stephen Adams here)
The photograph (left) is of the front of the property, this copy has been kindly donated by Derek Warman, who is an authority on all things connected to the Maybrick family. Thank you Derek!
The house has since been demolished.
Images source: RSHG Archive Roy Brinton Collection & Derek Warman