Temporary Iron Church
Photo taken c1868 showing the temporary church which stood where the front garden of church house is now. It was removed in February 1872 and was sent to Bromley, Kent. The parish of Ryde was formed in 1866.
Excerpts of the church opening from the Isle of Wight Observer 27 February 1869
This church situated close-by where the new Parish Church is being built, was opened for Divine Worship on the morning of Wednesday 17th 1869 (St. Matthias’ Day) when an excellent sermon was delivered by the Rev. G. Prothero, chaplain to Her Majesty, the text selected by the rev. gentleman for his eloquent discourse being the 28th and 29th verses of the 11th chapter of St. Matthew.
In the evening a beautiful and most impressive sermon was preached by the Rev G. H. Connor, vicar of Newport. The morning service was extremely well attended, but the congregation in the evening, owing undoubtedly to the tempestuous state of the weather, was not as large as it otherwise would have been.
The organ which possesses great power of modulation and purity of tone, has been obtained from the eminent firm of Hill and Co., London and we are gratified to inform that it is the intention of the organist, Mr. W. H. Smith, the National Schoolmaster, in conjunction with the choir, to render their services gratuitously…..
The church which is 83ft in length and 36ft in width, with height to ridge of 30ft., and to sides of 12ft., is provided with 300 sittings, the whole of which (with the exception of those reserved for the clergy and choir) will be free to every one at the hour of Divine Service.
The building it would be impossible to eulogize too highly, so admirably is it adapted to its projected purpose, while the substantial appearance of the work throughout the edifice imparts to it a permanent rather than a temporary character; in fact, the church in its entirety has been completed in a manner which reflects infinite credit upon the contractor, Mr. C. Kent, of the Easton-road, London.
We understand that the chairs, &c., were furnished by Messrs. Marvin of Union-street.
Image: RSHG Archive Roy Brinton Collection