Advertisements from the 1860s
WANTED, a Situation as BUTLER, Valet, or Single Handed, by an experienced Man. Height, 5ft. 9in.; age, 39 years: and single.
Address, Y. Z., Observer Office, Lind-street, Ryde.
MR CARL AHLFELDT, native of Hanover, Professor of the GERMAN, FRENCH, AND ITALIAN LANGUAGES, has the honour to acquaint the Inhabitants and Visitors of Ryde, that he gives private instruction in families, and receives pupils at his place of residence. Gentlemen are qualified for examination at the Naval, Military, and other Colleges, Educational Establishments attended.
Chilton Cottage, Victoria Street, Ryde.
PRINCIPAL – MR. J. N. BENNETT – Young gentlemen are prepared for professional or mercantile pursuits.
The methods of Teaching are in accordance with the most modern and approved systems; and are such as to insure the most satisfactory results in the shortest possible time.
The course of instruction comprises Reading, Writing, (Plain and Ornamental), Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Astronomy, and Use of the Globes, Geography, History, (Ancient and Modern), English Grammar, Analysis and Parsing, Natural Science, Latin and French.
TERMS: Day Pupils – Six guineas per annum.
Vernon Square, Ryde.
Sources: (top) Isle of Wight Observer 2 August 1862; (mid & bottom) Supplement to the Isle of Wight Times Ryde 28 October 1869
Picture source: Polish Butler Kamerdyner 1867, wikimedia commons