Island’s Oldest Resident
103, Miss Way Helps in the House
Still remarkably active despite her 103 years is Miss Louisa Way, of Briardale, Meaders Road, Ryde – the Island’s oldest resident.
The Mayor and Mayoress of Ryde (Councillor S. R. Bird, J.P., and Mrs. Bird) were among the visitors when Miss Way celebrated her 103rd birthday on Monday. Several messages were received.
Miss Way, who has been living in the town since September, spent most of her life in Newport and, as a resident of Carisbrooke Road, remembers vividly Queen Victoria’s visits to Carisbrooke Castle. She still loves to talk of Victorian days.
Nevertheless, Miss Way does not live in the past and takes a keen interest in the Royal Family and especially in Prince Charles. Her dress is also up-to-date and her interest in affairs lively.
Until a few weeks ago she knitted as a hobby, much of the work for the Deep Sea Mission. Now she spends much of her eight-hour day making spills and doing small household jobs.
Source: Isle of Wight Times 28 April 1949
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Miss Louisa Way died at 20 Monkton-street, Ryde, on Tuesday 12 July 1949, interred at Carisbrooke Cemetery 15 July. (Isle of Wight County Press 16 July 1949)