RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2022

Blue tit
On Saturday, the 29th of January we hosted the Big Garden Birdwatch at the West Street cemetery between 10 am and 2 pm. About 19 people attended the resource centre, with 14 taking part; the weather was kind to us today but the birds were not. There were considerably less on the wing compared with last year. There was however a good variety of birds including robins, carrion crows, jackdaws, blackbirds both male and female, dunnocks, starlings, coal tits, blue tits, magpies, male and female sparrows, lots of woodpigeons and gulls, also rooks and song thrushes, and to our delight some greenfinches and a goldfinch.
It was also lovely to see daffodils and some snowdrops coming into bud and flower. With the cemetery freshly mowed, it makes us believe Spring is on its way. It was a bit nippy outside, so it was very welcoming to have hot tea and coffee with biscuits, as well as some well-earned hot soup being served. Thank you so much for all those that came along to help, as well as all the support for the “Big Garden Birdwatch” this year.
Barbara Hunt (Chair)
Images: Julie Jordan