April Quarterly Meeting for Members, Friends & Guests
On Saturday 2nd April 2022 we held our quarterly Members meeting at the George Street Centre, Ryde. Despite the recent cold snap, it was very encouraging to have 31 attending, they included several members who have not been able to attend our meetings over the past 2 years due to Covid. The business part of our meeting was dealt with swiftly, the reports having been sent out previously.
Barbara brought to the attention of members that on several occasions people had used RSHG photographs on social media, particularly Facebook without our permission, and our website strictly forbids this.
Before the talk we had a longer time for refreshments and to socialise when several books of photographs from the Roy Brinton collection were viewed by many of our members and the raffle was held.
The presentation by Gary Newman from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission was very well received. He spoke of the creation and history of the CWGC, the ongoing work of maintaining over 1 million graves in 153 countries and that every month there are still many remains being found, and they are all given a burial with full military honours. Gary answered many questions from members during his presentation and privately afterwards.
Many thanks for all who supported us and of course our volunteers on the day.
Barbara Hunt
RSHG Chair
Image by Colin Hunt