How to Use a Cycle
Humber Limited the well-known cycle company advertised this little book in the Isle of Wight Observer April 1901.
Cyclists will be interested to know that the celebrated firm of Humber have just issued a most useful little book on “Cycles and how to use them.” It contains valuable advice on the selection and care of the machine, and the instructions are clearly illustrated, so that the merest tyro cannot fail to understand them. No intending purchaser, or rider of a cycle, should be without this valuable little work, which may be obtained, post free, from Humber Limited, 32 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC., or their local agent, D. Marvin, 9 Union Street, Ryde, I.W.
Bicycle for Prince Edward (IW Times 27 June 1901)
To celebrate the seventh anniversary of the birthday of Prince Edward of York, which falls on Sunday, the King has given his grandson a bicycle.
The machine is, of course, very small. The frame, which has been made of the slightest tubing, measures only fourteen inches from the saddle to the bracket, while the diameter of the wheels is but twenty inches.
The gear is 37, and it is interesting to note that by the King’s express desire the frame has been enamelled in plain black, there being no elaborate decoration in the way of gold lines. Ordinary cork handles with silver tips have been fixed to the handlebars, which are silver-plated.
Prince Edward will be taught to ride by one of the royal footmen in the garden of Buckingham Palace; but it is thought that he will not require many lessons, as he has already proved himself to be a keen little sportsman. He is now the youngest royal cyclist.
Sources: IW Observer, IW Times, RSHG Archive.
Image: Studio photo of ladies cycling