The New Town Hall and Market
In an article from the Hampshire Telegraph 10 May 1830, it stated that, the last, has been a week of considerable bustle and activity, and the dull monotony of the long winter has been relieved by the beautiful appearance of the country, by the Southampton and Portsmouth steam packets paying their almost hourly visits to the pier, and importing a fair share of visitors. The Town Commissioners have this week also commenced active operations, having contracted with Mr Thomas Dashwood, builder, of Ryde, for the completion of the East wing of the new Market, on the 10th of July, and the entire erection of the Town Hall and Market on or before the 25th of October next.
This structure will combine space, convenience and simplicity in its interior, and at the same time that its exterior will render it highly ornamental to the town, there is no prodigal introduction of expensive architectural embellishment; and all concur in opinion that the simplicity, solidity, and beauty of the structure will be exceedingly creditable to the talents of the architect, James Sanderson, Esq. as well as highly beneficial to the town. Almost all the houses on the intended site are already down; and on Friday next the first stone will be laid, by Dr John Lind, of Westmont (who has most liberally given £500 towards the expense), attended by the whole body of Commissioners, and assisted by the several Masonic Lodges in the Island, after which the procession will return to Yelf’s Hotel to dinner, to celebrate this event, and to commemorate the anniversary of the Improvement Act receiving the Royal assent.
Source: Hampshire Telegraph & Sussex Chronicle 10 May 1830
Image: Roy Brinton Collection RSHG Archive
Article: Ann Barrett