Last of the Season Performances 1898
From an article in the IW Observer 1 October 1898
Pier Pavilion – Tonight and Saturday being the last of the season performances at the Pier Pavilion, we have no doubt that a good audience will assemble to witness what we think will prove a most attractive programme, In addition to Mr Charles Judge’s performing parrot and cockatoos, we understand that Miss Hallé Smith (well known in Ryde as an instructress in dancing, &c.), and Miss Daisy Smith, her sister, will give an exhibition of graceful skirt dancing, and Mr Denstone Edwards has also promised to give one or two baritone songs. The entertainment promises to be a good one, and it is to be regretted that this will finish the season in Ryde, as far as the present lessees are concerned.
Skirt Dancing was a form of dance popular in Europe and America, particularly in burlesque and vaudeville theatre of the 1890’s, in which women dancers would manipulate long layered skirts with their arms to create a motion of flowing fabric, often in a darkened theatre with coloured light projectors highlighting the patterns of their skirts. Skirts used in skirt dances were constructed from over 100 yards of fabric. The dance originated in London as a less formal type of ballet, the dancer Kate Vaughan was generally credited with originating it.
Source: IW Observer and RSHG Archive
Image: Wikipedia
Article: Ann Barrett