Ryde Architecture
(Player Street, Ryde)
Holy Trinity Parish Magazine, states; “Under the above title a new charity is being provided in our parish, by the benevolence of Miss Brigstocke. On a piece of ground in Player Street, adjoining our Parish Schools, the property of Miss Brigstocke, on which formerly stood some cottages, now pulled down for the present object, she has erected almshouses to accommodate six poor women, aged 50 years and upwards, being spinsters or widows, to which she generously proposes to attach an endowment. The appointment of the inmates, Miss Brigstocke retains in her own hands during her life, to be afterwards exercised by the trustees.”
The buildings are constructed of red brick with stone staircases to minimise the danger of fire. We understand that the total cost is between £600 and £700. Each inmate will have a bed room, sitting room, kitchen, and the usual offices. There is an endowment fund, but what the amount will be has not transpired. On the front is a slab (photo left). The appearance of the houses was generally admired. Rules will be drawn up by the trustees and we understand, the almshouses will be open to anyone living at Ryde, but if at any time there should not be any Ryde person desirous of entering them, anyone may be admitted from an adjoining parish.
The houses will be a lasting monument to the benevolence and kindly feeling shown by Miss Brigstocke to the poor of the parish. The Almshouses were duly occupied last Monday, the first inmates being Sophia Porter, Eliza Sticklee, Eliza Moody, Caroline Austin, Charlotte Harvey, and Jane Ford.
On Thursday evening, the workmen employed in the erection of the new Almshouses, had a “rearing feast,” at the Albany Hotel, thanks to the kindness of Miss Brigstocke. Mr W. J. Langdon presided, and the vice-chair was taken by Mr C. Langdon. About 40 set down altogether, and thoroughly enjoyed the capital dinner which had been provided. The usual toasts were proposed and warmly acknowledged.
Sources: IW Observer 28 November 1891, Holy Trinity Parish Magazine
Images: Roy Brinton collection RSHG Archive
Article: Ann Barrett