Members Outing to the Bus Museum
We had a very enjoyable Members Outing to the Bus Museum on Thursday 7th September. You really missed a good day out and our guide Paul, gave us an extremely detailed tour of a wide range of all things buses/coaches. There were renovations of old buses, like the Vectis Bus Co. one, also masses of double decker buses to see. A particular single decker (The Dennis Ace) built in 1934, which only took 27 passengers. It had a protruding bonnet, or “snout” and they were affectionately known as “Pigs,” and at the back there were steps up to the rooftop luggage rack. We learnt so many interesting stories, one being the history of “The Top Deck Travel” bus. It was converted into basic travel areas with beds upstairs and in 1958 it travelled overland in Kathmandu and this year it is celebrating in London 50 years of travel. There were ops rooms, a Dalek, a red telephone box and even a blue police box. So, so much to see, heritage photographs and memorabilia as well, ongoing films being screened while sitting in a mock bus. Refreshments were served in the Shanklin Steamer bus which still goes out and about today. Ann met another Ann, who was the 1st female bus driver for Southern Vectis, and the bus that she took her driving test in, was on view.
It was such a shame that only 3 members (and 2 committee) were there to enjoy such an extremely good treat. Thank you Jennifer for organising the outing and we hope to see more members on the next one.
Barbara Hunt